Today I was in the township called KaNyamazane, South Africa. All I can say is wow! So many people, so few churches. Anyone want to come here and plant a church? High Point will back you. :) We can call it High Point South Africa. :)
We met with all the local pastors who gathered together in one of the churches. They had some concerns about the mission and we had to go in a calm things down. Funny, even in South Africa churches have a hard time coming together and working as one. Plus you still have alot of leftover feelings from the Apartheid. Here you have black Africans, then you have Indian (from India), then Coloreds (Black and Indian mixed), AfriKaans (Dutch German white people), and then you have the British white people. Then they all live in their respective communities and struggle with race relations! The township of KaNyamazane is a Black African township. In this town ship alone they will do 4 meetings each night because the township is divided into four sections. So each section will do a nightly tent revival and then a big rally at the end of the week in their local soccer stadium. Please pray that these churches will come together and do great things for God! I attached the photo of the van, they call them buses here. My partner Scott Lenning has been driving it. They drive on the left side of the road. Everytime we come to an intersection I just close my eyes and pray. hahaha! He is doing a great job for an Americanas! :) Pray for our safety as we travel throughout the region. Love you all!
great info and insight, joey... praying, g